GOMAD stands for a Gallon Of Milk A Day.
It is a simple diet plan for people who struggle to consume optimal calories per day to gain muscle.
This diet is very popular with strength athletes, gym goers and also celebrities who need the extra calories per day to weight. This diet is exactly what is sounds like, you have to drink a full gallon of milk every day on top of your normal food and other supplements you may be taking. This will add over 2,500 calories per day on top of your usual intake. Milk is built up of different proteins and fats which would support our bodies in many ways, drinking this much would surely help build bigger muscles and strength.
GOMAD Questions And Answers
How long should I do the GOMAD diet?
One month is a good start to see how your body reacts to the extra calories you will be consuming.
Why not drink weight gainers or mass gainers?
Because most of them contain too much sugar and also most are protein spiked.
Do I have to go the gym on the GOMAD diet?
Yes. Defiantly the goal for the extreme amount of calories is to gain strength and not to be stored as fat, so you will need to be going the gym and lift heavy weights.
Do I need to eat on the GOMAD diet?
Yes. You will need to eat the same amount as your normal day while drink a gallon of milk a day.
When? Why? How? GOMAD
You should drink one gallon of milk a day every day even on weekends and even on none training days.
One gallon of whole milk contains around 2,500 calories, 120 gram of protein, 200 gram of carbs and 120 gram of fat. This means it is roughly your maintenance calories just from drinking.
Will I get fat from the fat from milk?
Fat does not make you fat, excess calories consumed make you fat. It is virtually impossible to gain muscle without gaining a little fat along with it. One of the biggest mistakes men make is try and build muscle without gaining fat so they eat too little. It is impossible to gain any weight without consuming enough calories per day.
What are the most common side effects?
You may experience some bloating at the start of the GOMAD diet, this is due to the extra lactose.
Another side effect of the GOMAD diet would be acne caused by the increase of dairy.
GOMAD is very simple and one of the most effective ways to get in lots of calories and protein with the least amount of work.