Shark Supplements
60 Capsules
60 Servings
- Naturally increases testosterone
- Increased endurance
- Builds lean muscle
- Helps pormote better sleep
- Enhances sexual performance
- Increases sperm count and volume
Tongkat is a powerful natural supplement that boosts testosterone levels and enhances overall health and wellbeing.
Studies have shown that supplementing with just 300mg of Tongkat as increased testosterone levels by up to 90% naturally (In males over 50 years old).
Tongkat may also improve mood plus reduce depression and anxiety by lowering stress hormones in the body.
Tongkat contains compounds called quassinoids, these include Eurycomanone, Eurycomaoside and Eurycolactone which will help the body to use energy more efficiently.
Using 400mg of Tongkat Ali daily in a study proved that the supplement increased strength, lowered body fat and built lean muscle.
Overall studies supplementing of Tongkat may boost testosterone levels, relieve stress, help treat infertility in men and also increase muscle mass.
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